SunPlugged - Solare Energiesysteme GmbH (SUN)

SunPlugged - Solare Energiesysteme GmbH (SUN) is developing its own proprietary CIGS thin-film solar cell and a novel solar cell interconnection scheme that allows the production of customized photovoltaic foils for the seamless integration into a multitude of applications.

SUN has extensive experience in the development of solar integrated products for buildings, vehicles and electronic devices independently from the underlying photovoltaic techniques. SUN has participated in more than 20 R&I projects at both national and international levels related to the development and exploitation of new photovoltaic materials and production processes, as well as the use of additive manufacturing techniques for the production of flexible PV modules. SUN has all skills/expertise and infrastructure to produce and develop flexible thin-film solar cells based on CIGS semiconductors and to further process them for final use (interconnection, electrical wiring, encapsulation).

The main infrastructures available to carry out the project activities include i) Solar cell pilot production, ii) Module pilot line, iii) Photovoltaic Back End processing, and iv) PV Characterisation Lab.